


  • Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all people aged 6 months and over (unless medically contraindicated) to reduce their chance of becoming ill with influenza.
  • All children aged 6 months to less than 5 years are  eligible for free

Women’s Cancer – Let’s talk lady bits


We all know someone that has been affected by Breast and Gynaecological cancers. In Australia approximately 20,000 women will be diagnosed this year – that’s over 50 women every day! Although breast cancer is very common, with modern medical …

by Dr Georgia Page

Over 75 Health Assessment

What is a Health Assessment? 

An Annual Health Assessment is available to all patients over the age of 75 and is an in-depth look at all aspects of your health. This assessment provides a great opportunity to review your overall …

45 – 49 Year Old Health Assessment

What is a Health Assessment? 

At Your Family Doctors we care about your health. That is why we offer a health check for everyone aged between 45 and 49 years to help prevent or reduce the risk of chronic conditions …


The government funded flu vaccines have finally arrived at YFD for those at risk of severe illness from the flu. This includes:

  • Children from 6 months to under 5 years
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from 6 months
  • Pregnant


We know exercise is good for your health,  but did you know regular exercise can decrease your risk of many cancers such as bowel cancer, endometrial cancer and post-menopausal breast cancer?

Obesity is also linked to many cancers, so by …



Cardiovascular disease accounts for over 1 in 4 deaths in Australia as is the leading cause of death for older Australians.  Approximately 1.2 million Australians are living with heart disease, stroke or vascular conditions. However, cardiovascular disease is largely …

by Dr Georgia Page

Looking after your Health during another Covid Lockdown

As we find ourselves in another lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we need to make sure we continue to prioritise our health. Lockdowns not only affect our mental wellbeing, but also our physical health, with disruption to our healthy …

by Dr Georgia Page

Covid-19 Vaccinations on the Central Coast

The question on many of our patients mind is – where do we get our Covid Vaccinations on the Central Coast? There is a lot of information out there,  different vaccines are recommended for different age groups, and the goal …

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how to reach us

02 4365 4999

a  602 Terrigal Dr Erina NSW 2250
f  (02) 4365 4841
