
YFD May Newsletter

Welcome to our May Newsletter. It feels like last week we were putting together our April newsletter and there is so much to update you on already!  In this month’s newsletter we will be updating you on how things are …


The talk of the town at the moment is all about the COVID-19 vaccination rollout. This is especially important for our senior population who are more vulnerable to the complications of COVID-19 disease. As we get older, our immune systems …

by Dr Georgia Page


Your Family Doctors is participating in the government funded Covid-19 Vaccination rollout, delivering the AstraZeneca vaccine to our patients.  So far we have been vaccinating our patients in the Phase 1B priority groups. As of 17th May those in …


Our Influenza vaccination clinics are in full swing,  so if you haven’t had yours yet – May is the perfect time!  You can book online using our Hot Doc app. It is recommended that everyone six months and older get …

by Dr Georgia Page

YFD April Newsletter


Welcome to our April YFD Newsletter. At Your Family Doctors we acknowledge the last 12 months have been very difficult for everyone and with so many changes it is hard to keep up to date with what is happening …


We are so excited to be welcoming our patients back for face to face appointments. At present the government has extended the availability of Telehealth appointments until June 30th.

For Telehealth services private fees still apply, but you …

by Dr Georgia Page



Your Family Doctors has been selected to participate in the government funded Covid-19 Vaccination rollout for Phase 1b. Due to limited supplies of the vaccine our practice will not be commencing vaccination until Week 4 of the program (mid …

by Dr Georgia Page

Chronic Disease Management

Chronic disease is very common in Australia, with over half the population suffering from at least one chronic illness. The incidence of many of these chronic health conditions are on the rise due to factors such as change in lifestyle …

by Dr Georgia Page

Pre-Pregnancy Planning


Are you thinking of starting a family or perhaps you are ready to try again? Pregnancies are not always planned but when it comes to healthier outcomes it is best to think ahead. There are a lot of things …

by Dr Georgia Page

Baby Poo!

In the words of children’s author, Taro Gomi; ‘everybody poops’, and, I believe, becoming a parent marks the transition where most people start thinking about poo in a very different way than they ever thought possible! In the book of …

by Dr Samantha Pethen

how to find us

how to reach us

02 4365 4999

a  602 Terrigal Dr Erina NSW 2250
f  (02) 4365 4841
