⭐️ Recently the government recommended to consider reducing the dose interval of the AstraZeneca vaccine to 6-8 weeks in the Greater Sydney region, given the current Covid-19 outbreak and increased risk of infection in the next few weeks, especially in those residing in the South Western Sydney area.
⭐️The official health advice from ATAGI, the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, remains most people have their booster shot at 12 weeks for optimal COVID protection, but under certain circumstances, such as a high risk of Covid-19 exposure, that can be reduced to to four weeks.
⭐️The 12 week interval between dosing recommendation came from a study in ‘The Lancet’. It found separation of the two doses reported differences in efficacy (protection from symptomatic disease)
- less than 6 weeks = 55.1% efficacy
- 6-8 weeks = 59.9%
- 9-11 weeks = 63.7%.
- greater than 12 weeks = 81.3%.
So to get the best protection from the AstraZeneca vaccine, you need at least 12 weeks between your first and second shot.
⭐️However, with cases of the very contagious Delta strain increasing in Sydney we know that two vaccinations of the AstraZeneca vaccine is better than one, in preventing hospitalisation and ICU admission – hence the recent change in recommendation of reducing the interval between doses (and keeping in mind it takes 2 weeks for vaccinations to take effect).
⭐️Based on this information and the latest outbreak, if you would like to bring forward your second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine we will be opening up an extra clinic this Saturday afternoon which can be booked via HotDoc or by calling reception. This extra clinic is for second dose vaccinations only.
⭐️If you are aged over 60 and haven’t had your first vaccine we strongly recommend booking – even one dose of AstraZeneca can reduce COVID-19 hospitalisations by 80–88% in the elderly. You can book an appointment for your first AstraZeneca vaccine online or by calling reception.
⭐️Please note that at YFD we do not have the Pfizer vaccine available. We have put in an Expression of Interest to receive the vaccine however we do not anticipate this will be for several months. In the meantime eligible patients for the Pfizer vaccine can find a location through the eligibility checker https://covid-vaccine.healthdirect.gov.au/eligibility