
  • Womens health
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  • Mens health
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  • Child health
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  • Pregnancy
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  • Travel and vaccination clinic
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  • Skin checks and
    minor procedures
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  • Care plans and
    health assessments
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  • Pathology services
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  • Online appointments
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  • After hours clinic
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  • Work cover and
    insurance medicals
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Womens health

  • Well women check – pap smear and breast check
  • Contraception advice (including mirena and implanon insertion after consultation with your doctor)
  • Preconception (pre-pregnancy) counselling
  • Menopause advice
  • Sexual health and STI checks

Mens health

We offer comprehensive preventative men’s health checks. Men often don’t like to come to the doctors much and by the time we see them their physical health is not the best! We want to change that (hence the change in our practice name!). Ask our receptionist to book you in for a ‘Men’s health check’.

Childhood immunisations & checks

Our nurses provide childhood immunisations as recommended by the health departments standard immunisations schedule

  • Newborn health check
  • 6 week immunisations
  • 4 month immunisations
  • 6 month immunisations
  • 12 months
  • 18 months
  • 4 year old immunisations 
  • Catch up immunisations

As per the guidelines in the Blue Book. Please bring this book with you to the appointment.

Children will usually be seen by their doctor first, then the nurse will conduct the vaccination.

Antenatal shared care

We have a very close relationship with local obstetricians, both private and public and all our doctors are recognised as being able to share antenatal care with them through the pregnancy. Our care ideally starts with a visit before you plan to get pregnant and we are there for you and your baby right up to the 6 week checks for mum and baby… and beyond!

Travel and vaccination clinic

When you know you are travelling overseas, please come in with your itinerary to see the nurse. From there we can work out which immunisations and other care you may need. Don’t leave it to the last minute though as most immunisations need some weeks before they provide full protection.

Normally we will issue you with a script and you will need to return on a different day for immunisation.

We also provide yellow fever vaccinations.

Influenza vaccination clinics

Immunisations against influenza is available from March/April. We provide both private and government funded influenza vaccinations. The vaccination is provided free to those with certain chronic health conditions, aboriginal and torres strait islanders, those in their 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy and those over 65 years of age. We do provide private vaccination to those that don’t fall into these categories. Please book an appointment with the nurse to have your vaccination.

Skin checks

We conduct skin cancer checks and treatment.
We recommend a full body skin check every 1–2 years or more frequently for those at high risk.
Self checks are important too – please make an appointment for a skin check if you notice any changes.

Minor ops

After consultation with your GP, for simple excisions, repair of lacerations, removal of foreign bodies, partial ingrown toe nail wedge resection etc…

Diagnostic tests

Blood taking, ECG, warfarin management, spirometry.

Care plans and health assessments

To help you access allied health care, we are able to complete care plans. These fall into two categories:

Mental Health Care Plans – these allow you to claim back *$131.65  from the cost of a session with a clinical psychologist or *$89.65 for a Registered psychologist . They cover 10 sessions and are renewable 12 months after the issue of your last one. (*as of 1/09/22 and is subject to change)

Enhanced Primary Care Plan (EPC) – this enables people who have, what Medicare deems, complex medical needs, to claim a total of 5 sessions in 12 months with any of the following; Aboriginal Health Worker, Audiologist, Chiropractor, Diabetes Educator, dietitian, Exercise Physiologist, Mental Health Worker, Occupational Therapist, Osteopath and Physiotherapist.

For each session you can claim *$56.00 (* as of 1/9/22 and is subject to change) 

To be eligible you need to have at least 3 health care providers involved in your medical care.

Adult health checks

45-49 year old health checks 

45 -49 year old health check – the federal government has introduced a preventative health check for everyone aged between 45 – 49 who may be at risk of developing health conditions such as diabetes or heart disease. The health check will involve seeing our nurse initially who will conduct a thorough assessment including updating your medical history, checking your blood pressure, organising blood tests for cholesterol and diabetes, and give lifestyle advice. You will be reviewed by the doctor after this assessment. There is no cost for this health check as it is covered by medicare.

Over 75 year old health checks

A health assessment of an older person is an in depth assessment which helps identify health issues and conditions that are potentially preventable or can be treated in order to improve health and quality of life. The health check involves seeing our nurse initially to conduct the detailed assessment, followed by their regular treating doctor. The assessments are conducted yearly and the cost is covered by medicare. 

Pathology services

Douglass Hanly Moir provide an on-site pathology service on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8.30am – 12.30pm.
No appointment required.

Online appointments

Easy online booking is available 24/7 for pre-existing patients. Book online here. If you are a new patient please call our reception staff for your first appointment.

Need to see a doctor after hours?

No appointment necessary.

  • Bridges GP After Hours Services – ERINA
  • Erina Community Health Centre
    169 The Entrance Road, Erina

  • Phone: 4367 9699


    Monday – Friday 7:00pm – 10:30pm

    Saturday 3:00pm – 10:30pm

    Sundays & Public Holidays 1:00pm – 6:00pm

  • Bridges After Hours GP Clinic – KANWAL
  • Wyong Hospital Grounds
    Block D, Health Services Building
    664 Pacific Highway, Hamlyn Terrace
  • Phone: 4394 7333


    Monday – Friday 7:00pm – 10:30pm

    Saturday 3:00pm – 10:30pm

    Sundays & Public Holidays 1:00pm – 6:00pm

Saturday morning clinics

Open from 8:00am to 11:30am. Primarily catering for the acutely unwell and people who find it difficult to attend through the week.

Work cover and insurance medicals

Private medical services

Includes employment and insurance medicals, these are not covered by medicare. Please enquire with reception when booking these about cost.


More information


Cancellation policy – At your Family Doctors we aim to deliver our outstanding quality healthcare promptly to you. To achieve this and minimise your wait times, we rely on you to cancel your booked appointments in a timely manner.

We run an appointment system with designated timeslots for each patient. When an appointment is scheduled for you, that time has been set aside and when it is missed, that time cannot be used to treat other patients.

To ensure you are able to see your provider as soon as possible Your Family Doctors has a cancellation Policy in place.

Existing patients

  • Scheduled appointments must be cancelled or rescheduled 8 hours prior to the scheduled appointment time. Any patient who fails to do so will attract our ‘no show’ appointment fee of $50.00. This account must be finalised before any further appointments can be made.
  • Patients with TWO late cancellations or no-shows within the last 12months, will be required to prepay an amount of $50.00 for all upcoming appointments. This amount will then be deducted from your billing at the end of your appointment.
  • After an established patient has THREE ‘no-show ‘appointments with in a 12-month period, that patient and any person who is either a guarantor for or guarantee of, the account in question may be discharged from our Practice.

New patients

  • New Patients seeking to establish care with Your Family Doctors will be required to pay a $50.00 booking fee. This $50.00 deposit will be deducted from your initial consultation fee at the end of your appointment.
  • Those who fail to cancel or reschedule their initial appointments at least 8hrs prior, are also considered to be a ‘no-show’ and this deposit will be non-refundable. The second instance of failing to keep their initial appointment as scheduled, will result in denial of entry to our practice.

Appointments – Our practice uses an appointment system. Each appointment is usually allocated 15 minutes so please let staff know if you require a longer appointment or have multiple medical issues to discuss. The medicare rebate you receive on longer appointments is higher so you are better off in the long run!

Reminder system – We have a SMS reminder system to remind you of your appointment day and time. You will receive the reminder the day prior to your appointment. Please ensure your mobile phone number details are up to date on our records.

Results – Patients are able to call for their results unless your doctor has made other arrangements with you.

Repeat prescriptions – For patient safety reasons we usually don’t prescribe scripts without a consultation. If you suddenly realise you are out of scripts and there are no standard appointments available we offer ‘script only’ appointments in which you will be fitted in with one of our doctors on the day. This consultation will be bulk billed but please note this is for a script only and not for the management of other medical complaints.

Referrals – Referrals to specialists and other health professionals requires a consultation with your doctor.

Communicating with patient with special needs – If patients need to use other forms of communications, consider using available services such as:                                                                         

The National Relay Service (NRS) for patients who are deaf ( 

The Translation and Interpreter Service (TIS national) for patients from a non-English speaking background ( 

Fees – Our practice is a privately billing medical practice. If you have registered with medicare online you will receive your medicare rebate into your bank account within 24 hrs of your payment. Our nurse led services are not covered by medicare so there will be an out of pocket fee. 

GP registrars – Our practice is lucky enough to receive GP trainees undertaking their specialist training to become GP’s. These doctors are fully qualified and have completed their hospital training. It is a requirement for the registrars to complete time in a supervised and accredited practice prior to achieving their fellowship.

Medical Students – We are also excited about helping train the doctors of the future! We regularly have medical students from the University of Newcastle sit in with our doctors during their General Practice terms. The reception staff will have a consent form for you to sign if you are happy to have a medical student present during your consultation. Please let staff know if you would not like a student present.

Privacy – All consultations with your doctor are held in strictest confidence and your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of our practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. No information is released to a third party without your consent.

Our privacy policy

At Your Family doctors at Erina we endeavour to provide our patients with the best possible medical care. We are happy for any feedback so we can continually try to improve our service. If you have any suggestions or complaints please let us know by discussing with our staff or your doctor or write a letter to put in our suggestion box. Alternatively contact the Health Care Complaints Commission on 1800 043 159.